Articles can be downloaded here at Jstor.
Introduction: Solidarity Elisabet Dueholm Rasch and Pooyan Tamimi Arab |
7 |
Shifting Solidarities in Volatile Times Anouk de Koning and Edwin de Jong |
11 |
Engaged Ethnography as Solidarity? Exploring Sites for Academic-Activist Dialogues and Collaborations in Engaged Ethnographic Research in the Field of Natural Resource Conflicts Elisabet Dueholm Rasch and Saskia van Drunen |
23 |
Anthropology, History and Academic Ethnocentrism Biases and Limitations in Recognizing and Understanding Solidarity Elena Mamoulaki |
39 |
We the People, or We Humanity? Bonding as a Global Community Annette Jansen |
59 |
‘Solidarity’ for Strangers A Case Study of ‘Solidarity’ Initiatives in Lesvos Giorgos Serntedakis |
83 |
Solidarity #Humanitarianism The Blurred Boundaries of Humanitarianism in Greece Katerina Rozakou |
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Interview Solidarity, Selective Indignation, and Queer Muslims Pooyan Tamimi Arab and Dino Suhonic |
105 |
Book review The Refugee Crisis and Religion: Secularism, Security and Hospitality in Question (Luca Mavelli and Erin K. Wilson, eds.) Annelise Reid |
115 |