Articles can be downloaded here at Jstor.
Introduction Engaging with borders Erella Grassiani and Michiel Swinkels |
7 |
Trading Against the State Il/legal Cross-Border Networks in the Russian Far East Tobias Holzlehner |
13 |
Four Days, Eighteen Months, and Five Years West African Migrants Crossing the Border between Libya and Malta Agnethe Overgaard |
39 |
Borderline Temporalities and Security Anticipations Standing Guard in Tel Aviv Natalie Konopinski |
59 |
Rhythms of a Transnational Marriage Temporal Topologies of Borders in a Knowledge Migrant Family Lauren Wagner |
81 |
National Borders and Emotions in Italian Youths’ Views on Immigration Flavia Cangià and Camilla Pagani |
107 |
States, Borders and the State of Exception Framing the Unauthorised Migrant in Europe Patrick Hönig |
125 |
Mundane Mobilities in ‘Post-Socialist’ Sofia Making Urban Borders Visible Milena Komarova |
147 |
In Conversation: The Netherlands Now Reflections on The Netherlands Now Nancy Jouwe |
173 |