Articles can be downloaded here at Jstor.
Introduction: Futures Lex Kuiper and Luuk Slooter |
7 |
The Anthropology of the Future Rebecca Bryant |
11 |
Between Dwelling and Displacement A Study of Time Amidst the Uncertainty of Planning Chitra Sangtani |
23 |
Material Para-Sites Lateral Future-Making in Times of Fragility Anna Lisa Ramella |
43 |
Marriage, Displacement and Refugee Futures Marriage as Aspiration among Syrian in Jordan Dina Zbeidy |
61 |
Evolution, Revolution, and the New Man An Ethnographic Investigation into Microchipping, Human Augmentation and Building New Futures Eric J W Orlowski |
77 |
Your GUTS Tell(s) You It’s Time How an Anthropology of the Future May Look at Stress Peter Pels |
93 |
‘The Last Funded Artist’ Imagining Futures through Ethnographic Science Fiction Kayla Rush |
109 |
On Futures Multi-Modal Reflections on Studying the Anthropology of the Future Silke Baas, Louisanne van Hooff, Weera Koopman, Alexandra Michelle Lopez, Julie McBrien and Naomi Veenhoven |
123 |
In Conversation: The Village Anthropology Has a Village Problem A View from Somewhere David Henig |
139 |
In Memory of Andre J.F. Köbben Frank Bovenkerk, Lodewijk Brunt and Henk Tromp |
145 |