Articles can be downloaded here at Jstor.
Introduction Taste Rachel Spronk and Christien Klaufus |
7 |
Transatlantic Movement and the Taste for Ethnicity Art and ‘Exchange’ between Suriname and the Netherlands Leon Wainwright |
13 |
Le Goût des Autres Ivoirian Fashion and Alterity Sasha Newell |
41 |
Gastronomic Inventions and the Aesthetics of Regional Food The Naturalization of Yucatecan Taste Steffan Igor Ayora-Diaz |
57 |
Everyday Aesthetics in the Khrushchev-Era Standard Apartment Susan E. Reid |
79 |
Savoring Kyoto Sensory Fieldwork on the Taste of Place Greg de St. Maurice |
107 |
Art Patron as ‘Taste Scapegoat’? Complicity and Disavowal in Mumbai’s Contemporary Art World Olga Kanzaki Sooudi |
123 |
‘From Your Own Backyard!’ Taste and Place in Contemporary Visual Art in Ghana Rhoda Woets |
145 |
In Conversation: Time Times of Neoliberalism Andrea Muehlebach |
165 |