Articles can be downloaded here at Jstor.
Introduction The Sea as an Eminently Human Affair Markus Balkenhol and Michiel Swinkels |
7 |
Thalassographies of Departure, Disaster and Rescue Fishermen and Undocumented Mobility Heidrun Friese |
13 |
Negotiating the Indian Ocean Opportunities in the Process of Recovery in Post-Tsunami Sri Lanka Arvid van Dam |
37 |
Living on the Edge The Resilience of Marginal Beings in Environmentally Precarious Times Luciana Lang |
53 |
Religion under Water Jojada Verrips |
75 |
Placating the Sea Goddess Analysis of a Fisher Ritual in Tamil Nadu, India Maarten Bavinck |
89 |
The Social Life of Sea-Cucumbers in Madagascar Migrant Fishers’ Household Objects and Display of a Marine Ethos Frank Muttenzer |
101 |
Humpback Johannes (a.k.a. Johanna) A Dutch Tragicomedy Featuring a Hyperreal WhaleRob van Ginkel |
123 |
When Participation Begins With an Occupation Some Thoughts on the Revolt Against the Neoliberal University of Amsterdam Oskar Verkaaik |
143 |