Our Split Screens
Sherry Turkle (abstract)
Haptic Screens and Our Corporeal Eye
Jojada Verrips (abstract)
Cyberculture or Material Culture?
Computers and the Social Space of Work
Anna McCarthy (abstract)
Not Being There
Meg MacLagan (abstract)
Displays and Displacements
Some Thoughts on the Uses of Interactive Screens and How They Affect Mental
Maps of Space and Self
Vincent E. de Rooij (abstract)
The Internet as an Interface for Japanese Religious Life
Marjon Jekel (abstract)
The Confessional Ethic and the Spirits of the Screen
Reflections on the Modem Pear of Alienation
Peter Pels (abstract)
On Screen
Electronie Media and the Embodied Subject
Sudeep Dasgupta (abstract)
Insanity as Looking Glass
Alexandra Schüssler (abstract)
Eye Contact
Fine Moving Hands and the Plesh and Blood of Image Fabrication in the
Operating Theaters of Interventional Radiology
Christina Lammer (abstract)
Re-enchanted Enchantment
Watching Movies in the Movies
Rachel Moore (abstract)
Real and Imagined Audiences
Lagaan and the Hindi Film after the 1990s
Rachel Dwyer (abstract)
Television and lts Viewers in Post-Feminist Dialogue
Internet-mediated Response to Ally McBeal and Sex and the
Joke Hermes (abstract)
Occult Forces on Screen
Representation and the Danger of Mimesis in Popular Ghanaian Films
Birgit Meyer (abstract)
Accra’s Charismatic Screens
Marleen de Witte (abstract)
Looking at Love
Hollywood Romance and Shifting Notions of Gender and Relating in Nairobi
Rachel Spronk (abstract)
On Charisma, Mediation & Broken Screens
Zé D’ abreu (abstract)
Big Brother Brasil and the Evangelical Response
Martijn Oosterbaan (abstract)
Review Essay: The Screen and its Contexts. Some Thoughts on Spatial Concepts
in Qualitative Internet Research
Astrid Meijer