
Volume 24, Issue 2

Rachel Spronk and Christien Klaufus

Transatlantic Movement and the Taste for Ethnicity
Art and ‘Exchange’ between Suriname and the Netherlands
Leon Wainwright

Le Goût des Autres
Ivoirian Fashion and Alterity
Sasha Newell

Gastronomic Inventions and the Aesthetics of Regional Food
The Naturalization of Yucatecan Taste
Steffan Igor Ayora-Diaz

Everyday Aesthetics in the Khrushchev-Era Standard Apartment
Susan E. Reid

Savoring Kyoto
Sensory Fieldwork on the Taste of Place
Greg de St. Maurice

Art Patron as ‘Taste Scapegoat’?
Complicity and Disavowal in Mumbai’s Contemporary Art World
Olga Kanzaki Sooudi

‘From Your Own Backyard!’
Taste and Place in Contemporary Visual Art in Chana
Rhoda Woets

In conversation: Time

  • Times of Neoliberalism
    Andrea Muehlebach