The Office
Lex Kuiper and Erella Grassiani
The Materialities of New Welfare
Leaving and Re-inventing the Office
Anick Vollebergh, Anouk de Koning, Milena Marchesi
How Civil Servants Make the Office Work
Desks and Duties at a District Council in Malawi
Tanja D. Hendriks
Developmental Friendship as Workplace Connection
Rendering the Office Affective
Susan MacDougall
‘Better Stop Chatting and Get Back to Work’
Knowing One’s Place and Hot-Desks in Non-Clinical Areas of the NHS
Luci Attala
Managed by Data
The Datafication of Performance in Logistics Labour
Naomi I. Veenhoven
Book review
- The Flexibility Paradox: Why Flexible Working Leads to (Self-)Exploitation (2022), by Heejung Chung.
Review by: Dragana Stojmenovska
In Conversation about Waste
- Generating Waste
Reflections from the Age of Waste on a Future Otherwise
Cindy Isenhour